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Have A Crafty Halloween!

Halloween is the prime time to be a crafty mom. Costumes are expensive in price, cheap in fabric and stitching, and the shopping trip alone resembles a pre-Black Friday bootcamp. Halloween excites me because I tend to have very... specific children. Sometimes they want to be something/one that isn't very popular and, thus, is hard to find. Other times, they want to be someone/thing that is everywhere, but they hate the cheap costumes available or the costumes don't have the certain look they are going for. More times than I have fingers, I have wound up completely scratch-making a costume. This year, my son surprised me by opting to go with a character tee shirt and mask, instead of an entire costume. This was a complete shock to me, as he is usually my most specific kiddo. Then, my toddler spotted a little mermaid costume for $15 at Wal-Mart and was sold. What!? Would this be the year that I just have to sit back and do nothing!? Could it be!? Nope. My Molly Bug di

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